iklan sat.

23 March 2009

week 38 & 39

kali nie aku shortcut info dari baiboo ikut ape yg aku rasa..

week 38

If you feel what seems like electrical buzzes inside your vagina and down your legs, do not be alarmed. It is caused by your baby hitting nerves as she or he is getting comfortable in your pelvis. (semenjak 2 menjak nie mmg selalu sgt rasa buzzes nie.. sometimes smpi kena stop sebentar... dr wat ape2)

Many pregnant women decide to write a letter to their unborn baby. It is a great way to make yourself fully aware of your thoughts and your child will love reading it years later.Your baby is gaining up to 30 grams per day, even though you will not really gain weight. You’re almost there!

Week 39

As you know, many changes take place in your body as it prepares to give birth. Your baby descends into your pelvis. For first time moms this usually happens before going into labor. For subsequent births this mostly only happens during labor. It is also referred to as ‘engagement’ or ‘lightening’. The mouth of your uterus, the cervix, will start to soften and some doctors may strip the membranes to induce labor. If you feel uncomfortable with this ’speeding up’ discuss it with your doctor during your prenatal visits. You may experience one or more of the following in the days before labor:

  • More appetite (yes, i am)
  • Loss of weight
  • Some bloody discharge
  • Loss of mucous plug
  • Nesting instinct
  • Light diarrhea

Your baby is still very comfortable in the amniotic fluid inside your tummy. The fluid is still being replaced every 3 hours. It partly consists of your baby’s urine and sweat, but is perfectly harmless to your baby.The meconium, the first stool inside your baby’s intestines, will come out after birth. It is a thick, black and tarry substance that is quite difficult to clean off of your baby! In 30% of the cases it will come out before birth. If the baby should accidentally swallow the meconium, this could be a problem, but proper suction at birth can solve this easily. Your doctor or nurse will take care of this routine task.

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